The principal activities of the company:
• To supply wholesale products to the electrical repair industry primarily in the Middle East.

The Quality Policy of the company is:
• To provide maximum customer satisfaction through the provision of high levels of service.
• To develop and implement defined management systems in compliance with the requirements of the international quality management system ISO 9001:2015 as certified by an accredited organisation.

The requirements of the above policy will be achieved through the following:
• The provision of development and training of staff, together with effective communication, so that we continue to provide maximum levels of quality service.
• The monitoring and reviewing of the Quality Management System to check continued effectiveness and compliance with the standard.
• Establishing all customer requirements (including regulatory and statutory requirements) and ensuring that we comply with them.
• The establishment of quality objectives, and periodic review of targets to maintain continual improvement in systems and service levels.
• The provision of all necessary resources to ensure the effective implementation of our Quality Management Policy.

The Quality Management System is described in this manual, which includes the Quality Management Procedures, and all employees shall abide by its content.

The Policy is subject to continual review to ensure that it remains effective and compliant with the requirements of the standard and accurately reflects business activity within 3GK Ltd.